The Revelations

  1. Incarnate Christ (as Trinity) crowned with Thorns; God’s love for us; the hazelnut.
  2. The discolouring of Jesus, face on the Cross.
  3. God’s all-wise, all-loving care of all His creation.
  4. Jesus’ scourging and the spilling of his blood.
  5. The evil one overcome by Christ’s passion.
  6. God’s gifts of thanks to those who serve him
  7. Feelings of joy in God’s assurance and sorrow in fleshly living and God’s love.
  8. The last pains of Christ and His cruel dying.
  9. The Trinity’s love in Christ’s Passion given to bring us to fullness in heaven.
  10. Jesus’ heart, broken willingly for love of the world.
  11. Mary, mother of Jesus
  12. Christ’s worthy glory.
  13. All that the Trinity has done in creation, His delight in us, and His making amends, turning our blame into endless worship.
  14. God is the ground of our rightful prayer and steadfast trust.
  15. Our taking up from this all pain and woe to joy in Heaven.
  16. The Trinity, our Maker, in Christ our Saviour, dwells in and protects our souls in love.